Green Sisu is supporting Pekka Haavisto for President of Finland! All are invited to join his campaign — more information, including events near you, can be found at Please also feel free to reach out to us in the comment section below or at marjaana.makinen[at]!

Pekka is an experienced diplomat and politician, and is well known for his ability as a negotiator and peacemaker, both in Finland and abroad. He has the skills needed to bring all of Finland together, which is all the more essential in this ongoing era of crises. And coming from a Green background, he will ensure that Finland takes a leading role in environmental policy and the Green Transition.

This presidential election is also interesting for another reason: both candidates’ spouses are immigrants. Our very own Pekka Haavisto’s Antonio Flores is originally from Esmeraldas, Ecuador, whereas Suzanne Innes-Stubb — married to Alexander Stubb — was born in Solihull, in England. While current Finnish law requires the president to have been born a Finnish citizen, a foreign-born presidential spouse is an unmistakable step towards a more inclusive, multicultural society in an increasingly linked world. We are obviously biased towards Antonio, but regardless of the outcome of the election, for the very first time Finland is guaranteed to have at least one immigrant in a visible, culturally influential role.