Annual Meeting 2024: Highlights and Takeaways (update on March 12. 2024)

Our annual meeting on March 8th was a great success! Several of our new members got a chance to introduce themselves to the board and to each other, and we elected Teemu Ropponen as a new board member — congratulations! We also heard inspiring stories from our new members about why they joined Green Sisu, and what sorts of hopes and ideas they have for the association.

Additionally, our brand-new bylaws have now been approved and translated into English (as is now officially required), and we have also designated our primary and alternate representatives to the 2024 Party Congress (, unfortunately only in Finnish at the moment).

Most importantly, there seemed to be significant and genuine potential in offering an English-language platform for green politics. After the meeting, we had a chance to pitch Green Sisu to the leaders and employees of regional party associations (piirijärjestöt), and also met with several members of party leadership and representatives of the Green Think Tank Visio. One of the things discussed was the possibility of running English-language politics training sessions together with Visio, which the Visio representatives were enthusiastic about.

The future looks bright for Green Sisu — let’s make this a year to remember for us and the Greens!

The full board of Green Sisu for 2024 is:

Antti “Jogi” Poikola (President)
Sakari Kouti (Vice President)
Kelvin Jackson (Secretary)
Marjaana Mäkinen (Membership & event coordinator)
Riikka Kevo
Teemu Ropponen (from March 8. onwards)

Invitation to Green Sisu ry. spring general meeting 2024

Meeting place and time: Friday, March 8, 5PM, Puoluetoimisto, Mannerheimintie 15b a 4 krs, 00260 Helsinki
Video call link: (posted by email and WhatsApp to members and in the )

Reference materials

If you are interested in being a candidate for board membership (agenda item 8.) or a representative of the association to the Green Party general meeting (agenda item 9.), please inform us in advance


  1. Opening the general meeting
  2. Calling the meeting to order
  3. Notice and attendees present in the meeting
  4. Approving the agenda for the meeting
  5. Bylaws amendments
  6. Presenting annual report and financial statement for 2023
  7. Approval of the annual report and financial statement and relief of responsibility
  8. Supplementing the board
  9. Party general meeting 2024
  10. Any other business
  11. Closing the meeting