We need Finnish politics in English
Green Sisu member Owain Hopeaketo’s speech in the Green Party Congress 29.9.2024 Espoo.
Green Sisu member Owain Hopeaketo’s speech in the Green Party Congress 29.9.2024 Espoo.
Ville Niinistö spoke at the Green Party Council about combining the green transition with competitiveness in Europe and emphasised investors’ desire for sustainable investments. About Russia he stated that it is important that Finland remains a strong democracy internally.
Environmental and human rights organisations are taking Orpo’s government to court for violating the Finnish Climate Act. The organisations call on the Government to take adequate climate action and safeguard fundamental and human rights. The rights of children, young people and the Sámi people must be considered in particular.
Join us on August 29th at 6 PM for an insightful online event featuring Quivine Ndomo, who will present findings from her groundbreaking research on the challenges faced by migrants in the Finnish labour market. This one-hour session will include a presentation followed by a live Q&A, offering a deep dive into the inequalities and structural barriers that keep skilled migrants on the margins. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage in an important conversation about integration, opportunity, and change.